Snapshots fra New York: Første del

Euromans fotograf har skudt en fotoserie fra en af verdens flotteste byer New York.

Snapshots fra New York: Første del

Euromans fotograf har skudt en fotoserie fra en af verdens flotteste byer New York.

Cashwash in Hell's Kitchen at Grand Central Station.

Snow, stars and stripes.

Lincoln Continental in Brooklyn.

Rooftop in Brooklyn.

Sapphire (tv.)

Hassle (th.)


Blowing in the wind.

Shiny Ford truck in Brooklyn (tv.)

It's cold outside (th.)


Nighttime snacking.

Bringing the 80's back.

Brooklyn Girl at La Esquina.

Black and white Batman.

Yellow cab.

Grand Central Station sheriffs.

Woody with a woman's bag at Madison Square (tv.)

Jewish candy (th.)

Old Ford below Williamsburg Bridge.

On the phone.

Stars and Stripes vs. An Bhratach Náisiúnta

Jewish boy in Williamsburg.

Restrooms this way (tv.)

Dog in Williamsburg (th.)

Marcy Avenue.

Sleepyhead near Rockefeller Center.

Give me shelter in front of St. John.

Subway musician.

Cars in Brooklyn.


New Museum.

DJing at Artists & Fleas in Williamsburg.

Wagon in the night.

Snack wagon (tv.)

Square hero (th.)

Erik Hassle at concert in Lower East Side.

LÆS OGSÅ: Ulf Svane: Billeder fra NYC

LÆS OGSÅ: Storbyen kalder: New York

LÆS OGSÅ: Mød Rasmus Weng Karlsen