Snapshots fra New York: Anden del

Her er de næste billeder fra fotograf Rasmus Weng Karlsens New York-fotoserie.

Snapshots fra New York: Anden del

Euromans fotograf har skudt en fotoserie fra en af verdens flotteste byer New York.

North 7 St Girl.

Train on Williamsburg Bridge.

Empire State of Mind.

Standpipe (tv.)

Square Baby (th.)

Black and white car.

Happy kiosk owner.

To Broadway and Staten Island.

Indiana Jones (tv.)

Jones' café (th.)

Downtown Manhattan.

Starbucks crack.

Security check.

La Esquina (tv.)

Payphone (th.)

Silhouette signs

Food truck near High Lane Park.

Pellegrino back.

NY Subway.

Williamsburg Bridge.

Times Square officer.

Relaxing (tv.)

Cat in Brooklyn (th.)

Ceviché at La Esquina

Cab lady.

Look up.

Jeff Boss for president at the corner.

Red Cadillac.

On his way to work.

Old man in the subway (tv.)

Apartment view (th.)

Times Square.

New Museum mensroom (tv.)

Ready to go (th.)

Manhattan sunset.

LÆS OGSÅ: Snapshots fra New York: Første del

LÆS OGSÅ: Surf, sprut og skønheder

LÆS OGSÅ: Mød Rasmus Weng Karlsen